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Making a career changing isn't always easy. You get complacent and sometimes refuse to think beyond the comfort zone. But your true calling can be very different to your current 9 to 5 routine career. You may have chosen. Not every artist begins their career in arts, people, you may have pursued a different career earlier in life for various reasons, whether being offered a different job or for more material gain. There is no stigma attached with making a career change, but you need to prepare for the transition.

Accepting that you have a knack for design or art, can be quite incredible. Even though the uncertainties loom, you should not let your doubts or fears keep you from turning a hobby into a full time career. What you need is a solid foundation and an action plan, and we believe the following tips will help you!

Understand the Market

The art market is competitive, so it is very important to have realistic expectations. It is always better to do some research, be open to receiving some insight and counsel. Question yourself, what do you want out of this? Do you want to sell your work? How do you identify yourself? Take a course if needed, be present with other artists and network. It is fun to be an artist and work in a studio, but there is more to it, pursuing a sale requires more work in addition to creating art. So, set reasonable goals and be practical in your plan to establishing yourself in the market.

Be Honest as to why you want to be a full time Artist

There are many artists who work part time or have full time jobs while juggling to establish themselves in the art world. If you are one of them, you already know how difficult it can be. This may lead you to consider shifting completely to a career in art. But, before that, you need to ask a few questions from yourself. Why do you want to make a career out of art? Do you think your work will benefit from more time? Is your passion for art so strong that you can no longer see yourself doing anything else? Are you tired of doing a 9 to 5 job? Think clearly and write all the answers so that you can reflect upon your decision.

Check yourself - Whether you are actually ready

Despite the passion, transitioning into a full time art career requires a lot more than just creating art. You will need to take on a fair amount of responsibility and be serious about it as this will be your sole income. You will be a business owner and you need to be ready to handle the pressure. If you are not ready, it is better to be honest with yourself rather than going through all the stress. If you currently have a full time job, then think of scaling down to a part time job or picking up freelance projects as you slowly transition will provide the financial stability needed to take risks, invest in material etc.

Develop a Business plan

When you first start out, you may not see the need to create a business plan for your art career. Often, creating pieces of art takes priority. But, by taking time to carefully plan out your business, you will easily be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business. You will need to think about pricing and business expenses, and make sure you can support yourself before venturing out. Note down, expenses - cost of materials, marketing tools, an amount allocated for yourself. Once you have these laid out, you will understand how many and how you need to price your work to make a profit.

Find ways to get your art out there

Gallery representations and selling art at fairs are often the first thoughts which come to mind when considering promoting your art. But there are other ways to explore as well.

Licensing your work is a great way to make an additional income and to get your work seen by many people. Look at options to sell your art online. With the growth of the online art market, publishing your work on an online platform is a great way to promote your work and the business.

Create a brand for yourself

Developing a brand for yourself will be one of the most important things you can do when transitioning into a full time art career. This can be somewhat difficult for many artists. It requires self-reflection - to understand how you want people to recognize and relate to your business. Take time to think about what kind of artist you are and what message you want to send out there.

Manesha Pieris